We received numerous requests from residents asking what trees to plant on their property.
According to the Tree Policy, the following trees are well adopted to our area:
- Curtisia Dentata (assegai/assegaai)
- Cunonia Capensis (red alder/rooi els)
- Harpephyllum Caffrum (sour plum/suurpruim)
- Kiggelaria Africana (wild peach/wilde perske)
- Nuxia Floribunda (forest elder/bosvlier)
- Olea Europaea Subsp. Africana (wild olive/olienhout)
- Rhus Lancea (sweet karee/swartkaree)
- Rhus Pendulina (river karee/witkaree)
- Sideroxylon Inerme (milkwood/melkhout)
- Syzygium Guineense (water pear/waterpeer)
- Tarchonanthus Littoralis (coastal champhor bush/kus wildekanferbos)
- Trichelia Emetica (natal mahogany/rooi essenhout)
The Tree Policy can be viewed on the Municipality’s website – www.overstrand.gov.za by clicking on Documents, then Policies.